If you wish to ask me something regarding my videos (ONLY) - i do answer more than 90% of all questions, just use go to http://www.megaliths.org/gbook/gbook.php?a=sign

If you wish to share your own thoughts on the content of the NewEarth videos WITH LIKE MINDED PEOPLE please use the countless social platforms on internet which are built exactly for that purpose - sharing, commenting, etc…

If you wish to share your own thoughts on the content of the NewEarth videos WITH THEIR CRETOR PERSONALLY you could consider supporting the project by either donating or sharing it on popular social media spots. I wish I could make everybody happy with discussing interesting topics to their heart's contents and that is why i am working on mastering the skill of expanding into few bodies at the same time so that i could fulfil everybody’s desire (currently even if I abandon eating and sleeping still i would be unable to answer everybody who wishes to chat with me… )

If you wish to get personally in touch with me after sharing my videos or paintings here are what kind of posts would qualify
- facebook posts with over 60 reactions and minimum 3 shares
- or your twitter account has at least 200 followers and the post minimum 12 likes
- or your instagram account has at least 200 followers and the post minimum 12 likes
- any other types of internet publications with similar reach could qualify for sure as long their reach statistics are accessible and your post has reached many people
If you have made such a post please send its link to ishare@megaliths.org - only links of the exact posts could be reviewed (links to your facebook page as such will not work because then one cannot find out which post exactly is meant, the link must be the link of the individual post). The post must be created by you personally, not a reshape or retweet. If your post qualifies you will receive thank you email and in reply to that email you can share your thoughts with Sylvie Ivanova. If you do not find the thank you email, please check your spam folder. Unfortunately it is not possible to follow up on emails with invalid links (like for example just the url of a facebook account).

Those who have donated generously, over 100 euro or 100 usd will also receive thank you emails and can write to me after that in reply to that email. If you do not find the thank you email, please check your spam folder. If it is not there as well I might be travelling the moment or there could be lost emails so get sure you remind me using the questions interface.

Lots of people say that they love my videos yet they show no respect for me personally and spam me abundantly with messages which (as i have made very clear) I am unable to handle (24 / 7 would not be enough!). Often they submit messages at the wrong categories although it is clearly written that they will not be delivered or read at all (24 / 7 would not be enough!). When they find no sure way to send me the message they think i MUST read and reply they turn bitter and start blaming for me for being “against free speech”. The extent to which this is happening is truly frightening. I deeply apologise to such people - I love you all I would love to address all the subjects you wish but 24 / 7 would not be enough.